might help you sort it
Post by Echo SDo you have a sample you could send me? I simply don't have this issue.
There's a difference in the 2007 masters and layouts than there was in
2003, as you're aware. The individual layouts inherit their settings from
the associated slide master (the big ones at the top of the list of
smaller layouts). If the background graphics on the layouts (small
thumbnails) come from the slide master (the big ones), then you must edit
them on the slide master.
So, if you want to delete some graphics from one layout, for example, you
must delete it from the slide master itself (the big one). But what if you
want the graphics to remain on some layouts, but not on others, you ask?
Well, in that case, copy the graphics from the slide master (the big one)
and then paste them onto each individual slide layout (the little ones) so
you can control them on the individual layouts. Then delete the graphics
from the slide master (the big one).
Or perhaps I'm completely misunderstanding -- which is why I'd sure like
to see a sample file. You can mail it to echos at indy dot net, and I'd
appreciate a description of the problem so I can remember what we were
discussing here.
What's new in PPT 2007?
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances
Post by pinchvalveIt turns out that you can't. If you open the Presentation in an older
version of Powerpoint, the graphics are seperate and you can select them.
you have a background created in an earlier version of Powerpoint and attempt
to open it in 2007, it simply won't work. The versions are not compatible.
You have to edit the Master Slide in 2002 and then go to 2007, or delete it
completely and start over. You can't delete in 2007 however since you can't
select anything, so best to start over from scratch if you don't have an
older version available. Microsoft has not admitted this is a problem yet,
so there is no support or fix availalbe.